An everlasting question has always been about how many colors there are in this world.
The best answer is infinity!
But then, our all-time favourites are still the Black-and-White, right?
So why not experiment with these to create some stunning pieces like this one..

According to some studies, careful measurements of our visual system’s best performance have been made by psychophysicists (people who study human responses, like seeing color, to things in the world, like light), which have shown that we can see about 1000 levels of light-dark, 100 levels of red-green, and 100 levels of yellow-blue for a single viewing condition in a laboratory. This means that the total number of colors we can see is about 1000 x 100 x 100 = 10,000,000
(10 million). A computer displays about 16.8 million colors to create full color
Ok, so like my necklac? Here are some pictures to get you going!
Step #1 - You need these to start off:
Step #2 - Create the drops for the pearls by winding the golden-colored wire through each pearl and adding a jump ring:
Step #3 - Make similar drops for the big black beads and the little black crystal beads. Start from the center piece and add a jump ring between a pair of little black crystal beads as shown.
Step #4 - You need to have the two sides on either side of the centerpiece mirror each other as shown:
Step #5 - Add the little black crystal beads on either side in strings followed by jump rings ending in a hook on one side to complete your necklace.
You can replicate the same pattern to form matching earrings:
There! It was that simple!
Why don't you try it out yourself, and post pictures of your creation?

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